Well, another annual Awards Season is upon us. We've spent all of the budget money from fiscal 2009, and now, it's time to review and see if we did anything right in spite of the Recession we're still in.
I can tell you right off the bat that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences could not have picked a worse year (Well, maybe 2001) for deciding to expand the nominees for Best Picture to ten from the traditional five. Recently, I reviewed all of the titles and off the top of my head, I could think of three that might be worthy from everything I had viewed in the last year.
With paper and pen, I improved this to five. With a review of all the screeners I had watched, I got this number to six. After some talking with other filmmakers, I realized that there were some pictures that I had not seen and did not have screeners for, so, I watched these. It didn't help.
I will heartily reccomend that we return to the traditional five Best Picture availabilities for next year and stay there. It's worked well this long and frankly, I don't remember the reason for going to the double-five number. Perhaps a review is in order.
Anyway, keep your head above water and don't try to really watch more than three award shows this season. If you do, it's likely that your head will implode from all the vaccuous speculation and mind-numbing conversation about "who's wearing who."
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